Drones to 15,000 Women SHGs with outlay of Rs12.61 Bn Approved

The scheme seeks to empower women Self Help Groups and bringing new technologies through drone services in agriculture sector


FinTech BizNews Service

Mumbai, November 29, 2023: The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Narendra

Modi has approved Central Sector Scheme for providing Drones to the Women Self Help

Groups (SHGs), with an outlay of Rs1261 Crore for the period from 2024-25 to 2025-26. The

scheme aims to provide drones to 15,000 selected Women SHGs during the period 2023-24 to

2025-2026 for providing rental services to farmers for agriculture purpose.

Aligning to the vision of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, the scheme seeks to empower

women Self Help Groups (SHGs) and bringing new technologies through drone services in

agriculture sector.

The highlights of this scheme are as under:

i. The scheme approves holistic interventions by converging the resources and efforts of

Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW), Department of Rural

development (DoRD) and Department of Fertilizers (DoF), Women SHGs and Lead

Fertilizer Companies (LFCs).

ii. Appropriate clusters where usage of Drones is economically feasible will e identified

and progressive 15,000 women SHGs in various States in the identified clusters will

be selected for providing drones.

iii. Central Financial Assistance @ 80% of the cost of drone and accessories/ancillary

charges up to a maximum of Rs. Eight Lakh will be provided to the women SHGs for

purchase of drones.  The Cluster Level Federation (CLFs) of SHGs may raise the

balance amount (total cost of procurement minus subsidy) as loan under National

Agriculture Infra Financing Facility (AIF).  Interest subvention @ 3% on the AIF loan

will be provided.

iv. One of the members of the women SHGs who is well qualified, 18 and above years of

age will be elected by the SRLM and LFCs for 15 day training comprising of 5 day

mandatory drone pilot training and additional 10 day training for agriculture purpose

of nutrient and pesticide application.  The other member / family member of the SHG

with inclination to take up repairs of electrical goods, fitting and mechanical works

will be selected by the State Rural Livelihood Mission (SRLM) and LFCs who will be

trained as drone technician/assistant.  These training shall be provided as a package

along with the supply of drones.

v. Considering the difficulties which SHGs may face in procuring the drones, repair and

maintenance of drones through drone companies, the LFCs will act as a bridge

between drone supplier companies and SHGs.

vi. LFCs will also promote use of Nano Fertilizers such as Nano Urea and Nano DAP by

the drones with SHGs.  SHGs will rent out the drone services to the farmers for Nano

fertilizer and also for pesticide applications.

It is envisaged that the approved initiatives under the scheme will provide sustainable

business and livelihood support to 15,000 SHGs and they would be able to earn additional

income of at least Rs.One lakh per annum.

The scheme will help infusing advance technology in agriculture for improved efficiency,

enhance crop yield and reduced cost of operation for the benefit of farmers.

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