India Capable To Solve Energy Trilemma: Ambani

Mukesh Ambani’s 5 commandments; Young Indian minds have vowed to fight the Climate Crisis. They will design breakthrough energy solutions to build not just a strong and Atmanirbhar India, but also a safer and healthier planet

Mukesh D. Ambani, President, Pandit Deendayal Energy University: Dream big, but be disciplined

FinTech BizNews Service

Mumbai, December 2, 2023: To fuel the growth, India will need enormous amounts

of energy – Clean, Green Energy. “India’s energy requirement is set to double just by

the end of this decade. As India races to build a robust energy infrastructure to meet

its energy goals, it faces three crucial questions: How can it ensure that every citizen

and every economic activity in India has access to adequate, most affordable

energy? How can it rapidly transition from fossil fuel-based energy to Clean and

Green Energy? How can it de-risk the expanding needs of its fast-growing economy

from a volatile external environment? I call these three questions the Energy

Trilemma. I am confident that India is capable of developing smart and sustainable

solutions to address this trilemma because it has extremely talented young minds

who have vowed to fight the Climate Crisis. They will design breakthrough energy

solutions to build not just a strong and Atmanirbhar India, but also a safer and

healthier planet,” said Mukesh D Ambani, President, Pandit Deendayal Energy

University (PDEU) at the 11 th  Convocation organised today.

Mukesh D Ambani addressed the distinguished guests and also guided the students

on the occasion. Here is the full text of his speech:

Respected Chairman of the Standing Committee Shri Hasmukh Adhiaji,

Respected Chief Guest Dr Somanathji,

PDEU Director General Shri Sundar Manoharanji,

My fellow members of the Board,

Faculty, teachers, staff, students, parents,

And my dear friends,

A very warm good evening to each and every one of you.

We are indeed privileged to have the Director of ISRO, Dr Somanathji, as the Chief

Guest for today’s event.

Dear Dr Somanathji,

You are truly an inspiration not just to the students of PDEU, but also to millions of

bright young minds across India.

ISRO’s success with Chandrayan 3 has made every Indian’s heart swell with pride.

And it has made the world see India as a space superpower…

Therefore, there couldn’t have been a better person than you to guide and motivate

our graduating students as they step into their professional lives.

Dear Friends,

Whenever I visit PDEU, I am filled with pride, exhilaration, and a sense of profound


I can feel the energy of a new generation of Indians that is destined for greatness…

And here I also feel the pulse of a nation that is on the cusp of transformative


This proud university of ours has received 5-star status from the GSIRF.

It is the first private university in Gujarat to be granted the prestigious A++ grade by


PDEU has published over 788 papers in Scopus indexed journals.

And it has been granted over 150 patents and copyrights for product design, and

process innovations.

Dear Shri Hasmukh Adhiaji,

I must applaud your exceptional leadership in steering PDEU to such great heights.

You have guided the institution with unwavering foresight, dedication and


Under your leadership, PDEU has not just excelled but has become an inspiration in

the realm of Energy Education in India.

Our Most Respected Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi, who is also our

supreme mentor, has truly given a gem of a leader to our institution. Please accept

my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude.

Dear Friends,

Energy Transition has become the most critical factor in ensuring India’s

transformation into a global leader in green, sustainable and inclusive development.

And PDEU is at the forefront of education and research in this area.

PDEU has launched four landmark initiatives to train its students in cutting-edge

energy technologies that will make the world a greener and better place for future


One, a 45 MW Solar PV production line to train students in solar energy production.

Two, a Smart Hybrid Micro-Grid System to teach students the technique of energy


Three, an Apple Lab for cutting-edge technology exploration and skill development.

Four, a multi-game Sports Arena to produce high-quality sporting talent.

With both humility and pride, I would like to inform that Reliance Foundation has

already paid over Rs 130 crore out of a total commitment of Rs 150 crore to build

world-class infrastructure and transform PDEU.

I am sure that these initiatives will provide students with the opportunity to apply their

knowledge and acquire the skill sets needed to excel in their chosen endeavour. I

congratulate the management team of PDEU for envisioning and implementing these

initiatives. I also thank the Government of Gujarat for their contribution and

unwavering support in making these transformative initiatives a reality.


PDEU is much more than an energy university…

It is a crucible where the vision of a clean, green, and sustainable tomorrow is being

turned into reality.

In the next 25 years, India will witness an unprecedented explosion of economic


From a 3.5 trillion-dollar economy today, it will become a 40 trillion-dollar economy

by 2047.

And to fuel this growth, the country will need enormous amounts of energy – Clean,

Green Energy that won’t choke Mother Nature for the sake of human progress.

In fact, India’s energy requirement is set to double just by the end of this decade.

As India races to build a robust energy infrastructure to meet its energy goals, it

faces three crucial questions:

One: How can it ensure that every citizen and every economic activity in India has

access to adequate, most a?ordable energy?

Two: How can it rapidly transition from fossil fuel-based energy to Clean and Green


Three: How can it de-risk the expanding needs of its fast-growing economy from a

volatile external environment?

I call these three questions the Energy Trilemma.

I am confident that India is capable of developing smart and sustainable solutions to

address this trilemma because it has extremely talented young minds who have

vowed to fight the Climate Crisis. They will design breakthrough energy solutions to

build not just a strong and Atmanirbhar India, but also a safer and healthier planet.

My Dear Students,

Each one of you entered this campus as saplings full of potential for greatness.

Today, on the threshold of commencing your professional journey, you tower tall like

a tree in full bloom. The tree has grown strong wide branches, which symbolise your

intellectual prowess and fortitude. I am sure both your parents and the faculty of

PDEU will be extremely proud of you today. Because it is they who tendered the

young samplings with patience, love, and care. They nurtured your curiosity with

knowledge, watered your aspirations with guidance, and provided a fertile ground for

your personal and academic growth.


No matter how tall and wide a tree grows, its true strength lies in its roots. Your

parents are the roots that constantly provide you care, nourishment, and support.

They have always believed in you more than you yourself ever did. They encouraged

you to step out of your perceived limits and explore the vast possibilities of your

potential. They stood by you as a pillar of strength through thick and thin. Your

success stands tall on the bedrock of their steadfast support, encouragement, and

sacrifices. Remember then that every applause you receive is an echo of the love,

pride, and admiration your parents have for you. The bond you share with them is

the most precious bond of life. Always treasure it, and nurture it. It will take you


Dear Budding Leaders,

As you stand at the doorstep of a bright and promising future, I want to share with

you five powerful mantras for your success in your onward journey.

One: Be fearless

Never lose confidence in your own abilities and skills.

Courage is the ship that can safely sail you across the stormiest of seas.

You will commit mistakes. But let that not worry or deter you.

The one who succeeds in life is the one who corrects his mistakes and continues on

his mission boldly.

Two: Dream big, but be disciplined

Your dreams should be big and ambitious.

For they act as the propeller accelerating your life’s journey.

Set audacious goals for yourself and pursue them with commitment and passion.

Take risks. But do not be reckless.

As Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam used to say, “To think small in today’s India is a crime!”

But remember, dreams come true only if you are hardworking and disciplined.

It is rightly said that “the distance between dreams and reality is called discipline”.

Three: Be curious and hungry for new knowledge

Stepping out of the portals of this university does not mark the end of knowledge-


Rather, it is only a new beginning.

If you want to succeed in your chosen profession, you must remain a lifelong learner.

Therefore, embrace curiosity, stay hungry for knowledge, and be open to new ideas.

Remember, in the journey of self-improvement, the pursuit of knowledge is an

endless adventure.

Four: Be Empathetic

Cultivating the power of the intellect is good.

And PDEU has prepared you very well for your intellectual growth.

But remember that cultivating the power of empathy is equally important for both

success and happiness in life.

Be caring, compassionate and generous at heart.

Five: The fifth and last mantra is so self-evident that saying it is superfluous.

All of you know this mantra.

But I will say it nevertheless, just so that my words echo your own deep love for our



I am what I am in life because of India, because of Bharat.

Wherever your life takes you, contribute your utmost to the greatness and glory of


And know that you are truly blessed to be young in today’s India …

…an India that is today marching ahead so confidently that the 21 st  Century is indeed

going to be India’s Century.

Therefore, go out there and make your mark.

Make your parents and teachers proud.

Make PDEU proud.

And make India proud.

Congratulations, and best of luck for your exciting journey ahead!

May God bless you, and may God bless PDEU!

Jai Hind!

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