Improvements In Appliance Energy Efficiency Could Lead To Net Zero Emissions

Looking forward to 2024, the world is counting on India's continued leadership on energy efficiency

Bishal Thapa, Senior Director - India, CLASP

FinTech BizNews Service   

Mumbai, December 21, 2023: CLASP, a leading international nonprofit organization with a primary focus on people, planet and appliances, has been working towards enabling an energy efficient future. Bishal Thapa, Senior Director - India, CLASP, shares his insightful view on India's continued leadership on energy efficiency as we look forward to 2024: "As the President of G20 in 2023, India played a decisive leadership role in ensuring that the need of energy efficiency for net zero emissions was recognized. The inclusion of the voluntary pledge to double energy efficiency (EE) was a key milestone of the G20 under India’s Presidency. India has a demonstrated track record on integrating energy efficiency in its own climate strategy, having previously met its goal of reducing emissions intensity 11 years ahead of target schedule.

Looking forward to 2024, the world is counting on India’s continued leadership on energy efficiency. CLASP research on appliance energy efficiency, titled Net Zero Heroes, shows that improvements in ten key appliance energy efficiency could help secure the pathway to net zero emissions. Achieving those goals means deepening collaborations across stakeholders, supporting impactful policy development, and continued efforts to elevate energy efficiency initiatives. A special emphasis in India could also be on efforts led by the states to enhance energy efficiency policy implementation and on public and private market transformation initiatives to accelerate adoption of energy efficient appliances." 

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