SC Directs SBI To Make A Complete Disclosure Of All Details On Electoral Bonds

The Election Commission of India shall upload the details forthwith on receipt of the communication by SBI: Supreme Court

FinTech BizNews Service   

Mumbai, March 19, 2024: The Supreme Court of India on March 18, 2024 directed the   State    Bank   of   India (SBI) to make a complete disclosure of all details in its possession, and also    comprehend   the   alphanumeric   number    and   serial number of the Electoral Bonds which were purchased and redeemed.

A five-member constitution bench, headed by CJI Dr Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, further said: “The Election Commission of India shall upload the details forthwith on receipt of the communication by SBI.”

The Supreme Court order reads as follows:

1 On being mentioned, the Miscellaneous Application is taken on Board.

2 In    sub-paragraphs b and c of    paragraph   221   of    the   judgment   of    this   Court, dated   15    February   2024, the   direction    to   the   State    Bank   of   India, are to   submit details of the

(i) Electoral Bonds purchased; and

2 (ii) Political    Parties   which   have    received   contributions   through    Electoral Bonds. 

3 This    information   has   to    be   submitted   since    the   date   of    the   interim   order    dated 12   April   2019.    In   other   words, all    details   which   have    been   directed   to    be furnished in the operative directions of this Court are to be submitted with effect from 12 April 2019.   

4 The relief which has been sought in the Miscellaneous Application for pre-dating the    point   of   disclosure    would   amount   to    a   substantive   modification   of    the judgment.  Hence, it cannot be dealt with in a Miscellaneous Application.   

5 The Miscellaneous Application is, therefore, not maintainable and is accordingly dismissed.

Miscellanoues Application No 596 of 2024

6 By the judgment of this Court dated 15 February 2024, this Court directed the disclosure of information on contributions received by political parties under the Electoral Bond Scheme to give logical and complete effect to the ruling.  

7 Thereafter, in    paragraph   221, this   Court    issued   operative   directions. These directions   in    sub-paragraph ‘b’ and ‘c’    are   in   two    parts.     Sub   paragraph ‘b’ requires SBI to submit details of the Electoral Bonds purchased since the interim order   dated    12   April   2019    till   date   to    the   ECI.     Such    details, the   Court   has indicated, shall include the date of purchase of each Electoral Bond, the name of    the   purchaser   of    the   bond   and    the   denomination   of    the   Electoral   Bonds purchased.  Under the second part of the operative directions in sub-paragraph ‘c’, SBI was required   to    submit   the   details    of   political   parties    which   have received   contributions   through    the   Electoral   Bonds    since   the   interim    order dated 12 April 2019 till date to ECI.  

SBI was required to disclose details of each Electoral Bond encashed by political parties inclusive of the date of encashment and the denomination of the Electoral Bond.

8 A plain reading of paragraph 219 of the order dated 15 February 2024 indicates that SBI was required to submit all details, both in terms of the purchase and in terms    of   the   receipt    of   contributions.     The    expression includes in both sub-paragraphs ‘b’ and ‘c’    demonstrate that the inclusive part is illustrative and no exhaustive of the nature of the disclosure which is to be made by SBI.  

9 In other words, SBI is required to make a complete disclosure of all details in its possession. This will also   comprehend    the   alphanumeric   number    and   serial number of the Electoral Bonds which were purchased and redeemed.

10 Mr    Harish   N   Salve, senior counsel appearing   on    behalf   of   the    SBI, states   that there is no reservation on the part of the SBI in disclosing all details which are in its possession and custody. 

11 In    order   to   fully    effectuate   the   judgment    and   to   obviate    any   controversy   in    the future, we direct that the Chairman and the Managing Director of SBI shall file an affidavit   on   or    before   5.00   pm    on   21   March    2024   indicating   that    SBI   has disclosed   all    details   of   the    Electoral   Bonds   which    are   in   its    possession   and custody and that no details have been withheld from disclosure in terms of the directions contained in paragraph 221 of the judgment dated 15 February 2024.

12 The Election Commission of India shall upload the details forthwith on receipt of the communication by SBI.


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